Our Healing Journey: From Passion to Purpose with Essential Oils

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Our Healing Journey: From Passion to Purpose with Essential Oils

Our Healing Journey: From Passion to Purpose with Essential Oils

Walmart Vriddhi

Ranjeeta Greta Chatterjee 

Co-founder, Greta’s Essentials, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Walmart Vriddhi

Every journey intertwines moments of fate and choice. My path, with its ups and downs, has always been anchored by a desire for meaning and purpose. From working at an NGO to leading an infrastructure firm, I’ve donned many hats. In 2017, while seeking a fresh direction, a familiar scent from my past beckoned – the enchanting world of essential oils.

This wasn’t a mere trip down memory lane. As I took a course from the Aromahead Institute, I realised that what was once a cherished childhood memory had transformed into a buzzing trend, especially in the contemporary wellness industry.

Walmart Vriddhi
Walmart Vriddhi

Turning Personal Healing to Universal Wellbeing

It’s fascinating how life’s challenges sometimes lead us to our purpose. As I was immersing myself in essential oils, two dear family members – my husband and niece – were wrestling with the discomfort of keratosis.

Armed with my newfound knowledge of the therapeutic properties of essential oils and determination, I blended a potion that, to my delight, began showing results in a mere fortnight! This small win became the foundation of Greta’s Essentials.

My sister Kusumita joined me, and together, we first tackled eczema. Our journey did not stop there. Inspired by Kusumita’s personal battles with alopecia, our product line blossomed into hair care solutions. With every blend, our aim remained steadfast: create gentle, effective, and therapeutic solutions.

Expanding Visions with Walmart Vriddhi’s Guidance

The true magic in our products lie in an age-old formulation technique: a blend of pure essential and carrier oils. With a commitment to quality, we procure ingredients from certified organic partners from across the country. My hands are always on deck, crafting each blend. Supported by a small team, we ensure every product that rolls out has our signature touch.

Starting my journey with Greta’s Essentials, I introduced a brand called Bluoilz. I was passionate and knew my product but being a first-gen entrepreneur without a business background, I faced many unknowns. In 2022, I joined the Walmart Vriddhi program, and it made a big difference. The program was structured and straightforward. It provided practical advice and a clear path forward.

The program encouraged me to think differently on how to sell my products. Walmart Vriddhi helped me understand the nuts and bolts of running a business – from distributing products to further growing the business. I started exploring partnerships with doctors, medical stores, and distributors, and considered allowing pharmaceutical platforms to buy our products directly.

Walmart Vriddhi fluid
Walmart Vriddhi

Blending Authenticity, Scaling with Flipkart

Joining Flipkart made me realise the need to diversify our range. Soon, Greta’s Essentials boasted of over 55 SKUs (Stock Keeping Unit) catering to varied skin types and issues. Flipkart opened pan-India doors for us, with orders pouring in from Kashmir to Kerala – affirming our growth and acceptance.

Flipkart was not only crucial for me to sell Bluoilz products across India but was also instrumental in prompting me to develop new products. This diversification was the key, and now Flipkart brings in a significant part of my earnings.

And as the chapters keep unfolding, I’m thrilled about our incubation at IIM Bangalore in 2023. My vision now spans building partnerships with doctors, pitching to potential investors, and to further expand my business. Guided by passion and armed with knowledge, I look forward to spreading our unique healing blends to newer horizons.